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Essay/Term paper: My best friend radar

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Literature Essays

Free essays available online are good but they will not follow the guidelines of your particular writing assignment. If you need a custom term paper on Literature Essays: My Best Friend Radar, you can hire a professional writer here to write you a high quality authentic essay. While free essays can be traced by Turnitin (plagiarism detection program), our custom written essays will pass any plagiarism test. Our writing service will save you time and grade.


When I woke up in the morning I knew that today is the day for
meeting my best friend Radar. Radar looks absolutely gorgeous. His
black expresive thoughtful eyes are always slightly sad. His
moisterous nostrils puff up, that is usually followed by sniffing.
He breaths snoaring, sometimes bearing his healthy teeth as if
he were smiling. His muscleous body with smooth skin, his
slender tall legs, his magnificently shaped head look the picture
of health and passion.
Every single day I look forward to meeting my faithful
friend , while saving for him his favorite dainties - pieces of
sugar. Shortly after getting to the race course I head into the
half-darkened barn. that pleasantly smells of fresh hay, mixed
with the familiar, warm smell of Radar. Inside the dark silence I
can hear him chewing. Suddenly, as soon as he hears the
grinding of an opening lattice door, he raises his head and the
rays of the sun, running through the small window, lights his
beautiful head up. I embrace his warm neck, kiss his soft nose
and offer him some sugar. He sniffs me round and I feel that he
is glad to see me as well.
Almost all day long we spend together. We walk around in
the green field, strewed with small,spring,colorful flowers. The
air is filled with smell of the fresh grass. I share with him all the
news I had gotten up to that time. And then, finally, splitting the
air impregnated with spring, we rush along across the field into
the distance, into the perspective, into nowhere. I feel the power
of my reliable friend, while holding onto his black mane. The
speed, moving the bodies in time, breathing - all of these merge
into one, indivisible, something
uncathable, like a sweet dream.
That is the most powerful feeling I have ever experienced.
There is nothing as exciting as riding a horse. I cannot think of
a friend who could be as devoted to me as Radar is. I look
forward to meeting my friend again


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